Earn money for posting on social media, even if you're starting with 0 followers and never want to show your face!
Create & earn money fast ⚡
We’ll show you a bunch of cool apps and products we’re partnered with. These partners will pay you to create content on social media!
We’ll give you pre-made templates for you to edit and post about these apps and products on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and more!
Sign up in minutes and start earning today. Cash out as soon as you get your first supporters!
No joke... as much as you want 🤯
Apps will pay you anywhere between a 85 cents to several dollars for every person who watches the content you post
Brands will pay you several dollars - sometimes even more than $100 - for every person who buys their product and uses your Creator Code
You can also get big payouts from events, bounties, and promotions